Membership Means So Much More
We strive to keep fees low and value high! When you join the YMCA, you're joining more than a gym, you're joining a family! See below for details on all the ways the Garden City Family YMCA adds value to your membership. Want to see more? Click on any words colored blue to be shown more information and/or a 360 tour of the location.
Click here for our flier.
The YMCA is the only place in town with facilities of its kind! Enjoy Racquetball Courts, an indoor Lap Pool, an indoor Family Pool with water slides and splash area, an unmatched Cardio Room, as well as a Weight Room, a Youth Fitness Center with a climbing tread wall, Y Zone: a spinning studio who's splatter floor was painted by ecstatic childcare kids for a fun day, Y Express: a private workout room, the only Wallyball Court in town, one completely free KidZone where your kids can be entertained while you workout, a fully equppied Gymnasium, our Aerobics Studio where multiple land aerobics classes are held, Men & Women's Locker Rooms (only for those 18 years or older) each with their own hot tubs, a dry, and a wet sauna; a 24 hour access for fitness facility, and our Dome featuring three multi-purpose courts, an indoor walking track, a functional fitness area with many pieces of equipment, indoor batting cages, and many other accessories!
Work out while the YMCA—the largest provider of child care in the country—is providing a safe, fun environment for your children. Your household membership includes two free hours of KidZone each day while you’re working out. Discounted rates on before and after school child care, as well as all day child care for 4-5 year olds is also available. Check with our branch executive for more information. "Some kids go to daycare, the lucky ones go to the YMCA!"
YMCA360 app
The YMCA has its own app! It holds a vast database of various applications to make your membership easier and accessible at any time. Download it here and get access to countless workout videos, classes, and so much more! Be sure your email in our system is up to date, as that is the email you must use to create an account.
Workout beyond the treadmill and weights? Shake up your routine with Zumba, Yoga, Group Cycling, Victory Vibes, Water Aerboics, Step, and more — many different classes are included with your membership.
BA Fit Factory
If you get a BA's YMCA membership, you can take any of the BA's classes for free! If you don't have the BA's Special Membership, you get to try their classes free for 14 days. Then you can decide if you wish to upgrade to a BA's Special Membership. You still get all the benefits of a YMCA membership, plus you will be able to take the BA's classes free of charge. Family membership rates will vary based on how many people in the family take the classes.
Through our Commit to be Fit program, you'll receive a free fitness orientation, body assessment and analysis, and more! It's a $75 value that's free when you sign up! It is called our Y-Promise, where we promise to help you. Let us help you stay on track!
Traveling, working in another region, exploring … sometimes, it’s just more convenient to use a YMCA in a different location. YMCA members have the flexibility to use other YMCA facilities anywhere in the nation, at no extra charge! Whether you remain here in Kansas, or go to Hawaii, you can use any YMCA in the entire country FREE!
From road races to swimming lessons, to youth and adults sports, to birhtday party rentals and games to go rentals, and more, YMCA members always receive the best deals on programs, up to 50% off! Plus, some programs will be offered exclusively to members.
YMCA members can reserve racquetball courts, childcare room, meeting rooms, the birthday party room, the family pool with water slides, and more, for a discounted price. See our Facility Rentals page for details.
Happy birthday to you, and the YMCA would like to give you a birthday present with a free shake of your choosing. Just come check in, and say you would like your free birthday shake. We have many options to choose from, which comprise of multiple types of fruit shakes, varities of milk shakes that contain protein, and more. Plus, you can add in extra ingredients and protein. If you've been a member for over 5 years, congratulations! You are an Ambassador! This comes with a few benefits including but not limited to half-off all shakes.
Plus, all members receive the following:
- Unlimited FREE guest passes to award for friends, co-workers, family or neighbors to try the YMCA (Single use, 7-day, or 14-day)
- FREE Equipment Checkout
- Gifts: Member & Ambassador monthly recognition gifts,
- Members can check out a lock, eucalyptus Spray, a YMCA towel (big towels cost 50 cents), Day Lockers, & more.
- FREE Wifi
- Express check-in with YMCA card
- Monthly promo's with Bring A Friend Free, Tag-A-Long Tuesdays, Member Appreciation Days, 12 Days of Christmas, and Summer for Free!
Thank you for being part of our YMCA family! For more information contact our Crystal Ibarra, Membership Director at 620-275-1199 extension 206 or shoot her an email at: cibarra@ymcaswkansas.org.