The YMCA has four racquetball courts.  During the year we host a variety of clinics, challenge ladders, lessons and one major tournament; Carl Myers! 

Carl Myers Spring Fling Racquetball Tournament

This tournament is hosted in March or April. In honor of Carl Myers who would play racquetball every morning from 5:00 am to 6:30 am. He also rigged our HVAC equipment to extend it's life another 15 years. He served as Board President and was a fabulous volunteer, member, donor, and loved his spirit on the racquetball court. Contact Chad at the YMCA. 

Racquetball Lessons

Want to try a new game? Need a sport you can play with friends and by yourself too? Racquetball is a fast, exciting sport that gives you great exercise and a chance to improve your hand/eye coordination. Let Chad Knight show you the technique and skills to develop your game today! He will help you on positioning, swinging the racquet, and knowing how to play this fun sport. Sign up at the Welcome Center today. 

Weekly Cut Throat Racquetball Tournament!

Come and play with different people of all levels. Receive points from higher level players to win cash back each week and qualify six sessions to win overall cash! Every Sunday from 3-5 pm. GREAT fun, GOOD exercise and IMPROVE your game! Click here for the flier. See the chart below for the TOP TEN SCORES in the weekly challenge. Get on the board and receive a FREE entry the next time you play!



Here are the TOP TEN scores during our challenge! If you eclipse the top mark, you get a FREE entry the next week. Also, you get the distinguished honor of being the TOP OVERALL SCORER ever in our Cut Throat Challenge!!

Rank Name(s) Score
1 Caleb Sekavac  86
2 Matt Ramos & Miguel Rodriguez 81
3 Sebastian Rodriguez 76
4 Miguel Rodriguez & Mike Park 74
5 Sebastian Rodriguez 73
6 Miguel Rodriguez, & Eric Gomez 72
7 Matt Ramos, Rosa Martinez, & John Benish 71
8 Joey Ramos & Sebastian Rodriguez 70
9 Sebastian Rodriguez 69
10 Christian Arrevalo & Sebastian Rodriguez 68

Aerobic Racquetball